
Showing posts from March, 2009

Enhancing the Human Brain

The human brain is the soul of the human nervous system. It controls involuntary activities such as respiration, digestion, and heartbeat, which are also known as automatic functions of the body. This organ also controls other conscious activities that are considered as higher order activities like reasoning, abstraction, and thought. The human brain is superior to any other brain of any other living species that are known to humankind. The brain is also the center by which other human characteristics are defined. Creativity, for example, is much associated with the brain. So is personality. The brain lets us make decisions and define colors and smells. This organ controls every other perceived activity of the human body. However, the human brain, as strong and as invincible as it may look, is not going to stay that way forever. As with any other part of the body, the human brain will wither in the future. One’s lifestyles and all other external factors will take toll against the human...


Seorang wanita dari tenesse yg kesal setelah memergoki suaminya tertidur dengan rokok ditangannya masih menyala sehingga melubangi kasurnya, meninggalkan sebatang rokok yg juga masih menyala di tempat yg sama hanya untuk MEMBERITAHUKAN PADA SUAMINYA APA AKIBATNYA BILA TERTIDUR DI KASUR DENGAN ROKOK YG MASIH MENYALA... alhasil... rumahnya habis terbakar...> (duh....) Remo Jalosjos, seorang anggota kongres di Filipina divonis 173 tahun penjara atas tuduhan pemerkosaan berulang pada seorang anak berusia 11 tahun. Seperti apa hidupnya dipenjara? ia punya beberapa kamar sendiri, lengkap dengan tv, dapur, kamarmandi pribadi lengkap dengan pemanas air dll. Ia bukan cuma menjual makanan ke rekan2 se-penjara dikios-nya juga menyewakan lapangan tenis yg baru dibangunnya itu. Ketika dikritik soal bagaimana ia mendapatkan perlakuan istimewa, ia ngotot bahwa itu salah pemerintah yang tidak sanggup memberikan perlakuan yg sama kepada para napi lainnya. (jago nih ngelesnya... .) St. Clair County, ...